When hiring a junk removal company, many people wonder if they should tip the workers who come to haul away their unwanted items. Tipping is common in many service industries, but it can be difficult to know when and how much to tip. In this article, we will explore whether or not you should tip a junk removal company and what factors to consider when deciding.

Factors to Consider

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether or not to tip a junk removal company. These include the quality of service provided, the difficulty of the job, and the company’s policies on tipping.

Quality of Service

The quality of service the junk removal company provides is a key factor to consider when deciding whether or not to tip. If the workers were punctual, professional, and efficient, you may feel inclined to tip to show appreciation. On the other hand, if the workers were late, disrespectful, or careless with your property, you may not feel that a tip is warranted.

Difficulty of the Job

The difficulty of the job is another factor to consider when deciding whether or not to tip. Suppose the job was particularly challenging, such as removing heavy furniture or appliances. In that case, a tip is appropriate to acknowledge the workers’ hard work and effort. However, if the job is relatively straightforward, you may feel a tip is optional.

Company Policies

Finally, it is important to consider the company’s policies on tipping. Some junk removal companies include a gratuity in their fees, while others prohibit workers from accepting tips altogether. If you are unsure of the company’s policies, ask before deciding.

How Much to Tip

If you decide to tip a junk removal company, you may be wondering how much to tip. The tip amount will depend on several factors, including the size of the job, the quality of service provided, and your budget.

As a general rule, a tip of 10-20% of the total cost of the job is appropriate for most service industries, including junk removal. For example, if the total cost of the job was $200, a tip of $ 20-40 is appropriate. However, if the job was particularly difficult or the workers went above and beyond in their service, you may consider tipping more.

Alternative Ways to Show Appreciation

If you are unable or unwilling to tip a junk removal company, there are alternative ways to show appreciation. One way is to leave a positive review on the company’s website or social media pages. This can help the company attract more business and reward the workers for their good service.

Another way to show appreciation is to offer refreshments or snacks to the workers. This simple gesture can go a long way in making the workers feel valued and appreciated.


In conclusion, whether or not to tip a junk removal company is a personal decision that depends on several factors, including the quality of service provided, the difficulty of the job, and the company’s policies on tipping. If you decide to tip, a 10-20% tip of the total cost of the job is appropriate. However, if you are unable or unwilling to tip, there are alternative ways to show your appreciation, such as leaving a positive review or offering refreshments. Ultimately, the most important thing is showing gratitude for the workers’ hard work and effort in removing unwanted items.

Are you looking for junk removal in Evansville, IN? JunkPro provides strategic disposition of residential and commercial junk removal. Get in touch with us.